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Foundation Year: 1951

Property: Lebovitz family

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The history of Lebovitz is closely bound up with the geography and history of Governolo, where the Mincio River flows into the Po. The excellent trading opportunities that for centuries have fuelled these green lands were exactly what encouraged Luigi Lebovitz in 1951 to start selling his wines to the inhabitants of the many households in the neighbourhood.

Passed down from generation to generation, this dedication has evolved into a company that not only sells, but above all produces wines. And here, the Lebovitz family has distinguished itself, giving new life to an ancient tradition through careful research into new and innovative products. Using, in that, state-of-the-art technologies and the finest ingredients. Because our Lambrusco is made from a blend of different grapes, it is essential to get the percentages just right so that they combine to produce a perfect balance of flavours and bouquet.

Us: a family united in making wine
This is the reason why Lebovitz name is well recognised: it is a synonymous of thoughtful and careful production made possible by a family management that is assisted by progressive techniques and technologies. We make sure we have a technology that can match the natural aspiration of wines. So versatile as to complement tables all over Italy and the world. With a reputation reaching far beyond the banks of the river near which the company originated. It is our aim to speak of our roots, in a way typical of the local area, through quality wines capable of innovating tradition and attracting palates nationally and internationally.
Creating a quality product such as ours means putting ourselves in the hands of people who complement one another while pursuing the same objective – in our case wine. Within this well-oiled mechanism, each of us, with our own very individual expertise, represents a precious and essential component of the business.
Currently, the winery is run by Gianni Lebovitz, heir to the activity established by Luigi in 1951. Gianni studied at the prestigious Conegliano Veneto wine school. His nephew and co-owner Paolo Zamboni is in charge of production, where his expertise as a sommelier proves invaluable. On the administrative side, the company relies on Gianni’s wife, Dolores Cassa. Davide Lebovitz, son of Gianni and Dolores, has the role of sales manager and also deals with communication. Corrado Silvestri, who has been supporting the family as a driver and collaborator for many years, together with the cellarmen Singh Sukhwinder, Samuele Mirandola and Giuliano Murari, complete our staff. The new agent Katy Brisighella has recently joined the winery, coordinating sales in Italy area.